Tuesday, September 17, 2002
No. 2308 /KP/IX/2002/19.
Departemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia membuka kesempatan kepada
Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita yang mempunyai kualifikasi
khusus untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Pejabat Dinas
Luar Negeri (PDLN), sebagai berikut :
1. Ahli Bahasa (Linguist) sebanyak 22 orang, dengan perincian :
a. Ahli Bahasa kerja Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), masing-
masing sebanyak 3 (tiga) orang untuk :
(1). Bahasa Inggris
(2). Bahasa Perancis
(3). Bahasa Spanyol
(4). Bahasa Arab
(5). Bahasa Rusia
(6). Bahasa Cina
b. Ahli Bahasa Asing lainnya, masing-masing sebanyak 2 orang untuk :
(1). Bahasa Jepang
(2). Bahasa Korea
c. Persyaratan Umum :
(1). Pendidikan S1 atau S2 diutamakan Sarjana Bahasa / Sastra di
masing-masing Bahasa di atas atau sarjana Ilmu Sosial yang lain yang
menguasai salah satu bahasa di atas.
(2). IPK minimum 2,75
(3). Mahir dalam salah satu bahasa di atas lisan dan tulisan
(4). Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2002, usia maksimum 28 tahun bagi
lulusan S1 dan 32 tahun bagi lulusan S2.
2. Analis Kebijakan (Policy Analyst), sebanyak 16 orang, dengan
perincian :
a. Studi Kawasan (Area Study), masing-masing sebanyak 2 orang untuk
studi-studi :
(1). Kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik
(2). Kawasan Amerika
(3). Kawasan Eropa
(4). Kawasan Timur Tengah / Arab
(5). Kawasan Afrika
b. Studi Khusus, sebanyak 6 orang, untuk studi-studi :
(1). Ekonomi, Perdagangan dan Pembangunan
(2). Perlucutan Senjata
(3). Hak Asasi Manusia
(4). Lingkungan Hidup
c. Persyaratan Umum :
(1). Pendidikan S2 atau S3
(2). IPK minimum 3,00
(3). Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2002, usia maksimum 32 tahun bagi
lulusan S2 dan 35 tahun bagi lulusan S3
1. Lamaran tertulis dialamatkan langsung kepada Ketua Panitia
Penerimaan dan Seleksi CPNS PDLN Deplu T.A. 2002 Tromol Pos 3597-
JKP/10035 per pos tercatat dengan melampirkan perangko balasan
2. Panggilan kepada pelamar dilakukan melalui pos;
3. Seleksi terdiri dari ujian tertulis, psikotest dan wawancara;
4. Lamaran dibuka mulai tanggal 16 September 2002 s/d 4 Oktober 2002
(cap pos).
5. Pelamar diharapkan menuliskan alamat lengkap dengan mencantumkan
kode pos dan nomor telepon yang memudahkan untuk dihubungi guna
kelancaran pemanggilan;
6. Bagi yang menyerahkan ijazah sementara, apabila dinyatakan lulus
ujian saringan Tahap II (Psikotest), maka sebelum mengikuti ujian
saringan Tahap III (Wawancara), harus sudah menyerahkan photo copy
ijazah asli yang telah dilegalisir kepada Panitia Penerimaan.
Apabila persyaratan tersebut tidak dipenuhi maka pelamar dinyatakan
mengundurkan diri (gugur);
7. Surat Lamaran dilengkapi dengan :
a. 1 (satu) lembar photo copy ijazah Sarjana lengkap berikut
transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir :
* Perguruan Tinggi Negeri oleh Dekan;
* Perguruan Tinggi Swasta oleh Kopertis;
* Perguruan Tinggi dari Luar Negeri harus mendapat penyetaraan /
akreditasi dari Ditjen Dikti, Depdiknas.
b. 1 (satu) lembar photo copy identitas (KTP/Kartu Keluarga/Akte
c. 1 (satu) lembar photo copy Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKB)
dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku;
d. Pas Photo 3 X 4 (3 lembar) hitam putih atau berwarna.
1. Ujian Saringan tidak dipungut biaya apapun;
2. Pemanggilan kepada pelamar dilakukan melalui pos;
3. Bagi pelamar yang telah mengirimkan/menyerahkan berkas lamarannya
sebelum tanggal pengumuman ini, harap diperbaharui/melengkapi sesuai
dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan;
4. Bagi mereka yang lulus semua tahapan ujian saringan akan diangkat
sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Departemen Luar Negeri;
5. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan diselenggarakan dalam Tahun Anggaran
Jakarta, 12 September 2002.
Sekretaris Jenderal,
Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat
NIP. 020003553
Thursday, September 12, 2002
1. Minimal Lulusan S1,
2. Female, age between 26 to 40 years old
3. Punya pengalaman Min 2 tahun as an HR Manager
4. Bisa Bahasa Inggris dengan baik ( tulisan maupun conversation )
5. Biasa bekerja dengan expat, & mengurusi ijin2 mereka......
6. Biasa membuat training
7. Bisa bekerja di bawah tekanan
8. Mandiri
Application Letter, CV & Photo
ke e-mail : moni@id.magnus.com
or send by Post to
PT Magnus Indonesia
Management Consultant
Menara Kadin 24th Floor
JL. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5. kav 2&3
Jakarta 12950
A production house is looking for :
1. Finance Secretary
- S1 Accounting
- fresh graduate are welcome
- toefl 500
- female, good appearance
- willing to work under pressure
2. Script Writer
- female
- full time for infotainment programme in SCTV
- have journalism experience
Please send your cv/resume to :
PO BOX 1670 JKS 12016
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
We are glad to inform you that currently my company PT
SHARP YASONTA ANTARNUSA [electronics manufacturer] has
a vacant for the position of :
A. Sales & Marketing for IT Product
B. Sales & Marketing for High End Product
Responsibilities :
Typical activities include, but not limited to :
- Conduct direct selling to corporate client
- Able to prepare marketing analysis
- Familiar with IT & High End Product
Requirement :
- Female max 25 years old- ability to work with
minimal supervision
- strong verbal and written communication skill in
- good looking
- ability to work under pressure & tight schedule
- familiar with computer
- Like challange, hard working & used to work with
- min 1 years experience to conduct direct selling
but we also consider fresh graduate if meet our
- has own vehicle [but not a must]
- IPK min 2.75
The position emphazise direct responsibility for
selling product. Please do not respond unless your
have an experience !
Base salary : will be discussed upon interview
Other Compensation : Health & Care Benefits
Job Term : Permanent [full time]
Desired experience : min 1 years, status single
Office Location : MENARA JAMSOSTEK - Gatot Subroto
Desired Education : Graduate from marketing [We also
consider TARQ graduate]
You may send your cv only together with photograph not
more than 2 pages to : jfmaeda@syi.global.sharp.co.jp
Please use win zip to compress your file
Closing date : Monday, 30 September 2002
Vacancy at IT Institution
Our IT institution curently looking for talented young people and loves education to be ' An Intructor / Academic Head / Center Manager' with the qualification of:
1. S2 Degree for Computer Science / Information System / Information Technology / Master in ECommerce
2. Proficiency in English
3. Mature, Independent, Creative and Helpful
Please pass on your cv complete with your latest education certificate to : cantique@cbn.net.id or fax to 021 7691108 at the latest Friday, Sept 13, 2002.
Sebuah perusahaan berlokasi di Tomang membutuhkan
seorang SEKRETARIS dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Wanita, umur max. 28
2. Lulusan D3 Sekretaris; Tarakanita atau sederajat
3. Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun
4. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan/tulisan
5. Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer dgn Program Ms.
6. Berpenampilan menarik
Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV dan foto berukuran
3x4 (berwarna), selambat-lambatnya 1 minggu setelah
iklan ini diterbitkan ke:
Attn : HRD Manager
PT. Panca Usahatama Paramita
Jl. Tomang Raya No. 2F
Jakarta Barat 11430
We are a joint venture finance company concentrating
in the area of Automotive Financing, seeking bright
professionals who have good dedication and high
integrity to fill our vacant position as :
Executive Secretary Post Date:9 Sep 02
Successful candidate must be :
Hold academic degree in secretary preferable from
Excellent in communication, interpersonal and computer
Good command in both verbal and written English
Dynamic personality, hard working and like challenges
Have at least 3 years good track record in
Multinational company
Able to work under pressure & independently
Have experince in handling Expatriate documentations
Please send us your comprehensive resume and recent
photograph not later than two weeks to :
Urqently Required
A Growing Fast Advertising Agency is Looking For :
SECRETARY Post Date:7 Sep 02
Qualifications :
Degree from Prominet Secretary School
Female, Single, 22-26 years old
Computer Litterate
Experience 1 years
Send your application to : Tebet Timur Dalam II/6
Jakarta 12820
As Soon As Possible
- Kreatif
- Mengerti konsep Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
- Pengalaman di biro iklan atau bagian promosi di media massa lebih disukai
- Menguasai komputer (minimal MS Office)
- Well spoken and written English
Tersedia paket remunerasi yang memuaskan
Kirim CV dan surat lamaran melalui saya di:
Asia-Pacific’s fastest growing Music Marketing, Wireless and Media Company just can’t stop but keep buzzing…. We are looking for creative and talented candidates to fill the following spots:
1. Producer
Experience more than 4 year in a production house or TV network
Capable to create ideas from scratch to shine
Excellent skills on producing and directing
2. Production Assistant
1 Year experience minimum in a production house or TV network
3. Editor
3 Year experience minimum in a production house or TV network
Excellent skills with PC based editing software
Able to work on long hour and under tight deadlines
4. Script Writer
2 Year experience minimum in a production house or TV network
5. Network Development Manager – TV Air Time
3 Year experience minimum of successful planner/buyer in TV network
Good hard on presentation, interpersonal and communication skills
Having extensive business database and network
6. Client Service Executive
2 Year experience minimum in the sales, marketing or advertising industry
Good presentation, interpersonal and communication skills
7. Account Manager
3 Year experience minimum
Good hard on presentation, interpersonal and communication skills
Having extensive business database and network
8. Finance Manager
3 Year experience minimum
Capable in financial preparation, taxes, customs and banking
Familiar with accounting software
9. Secretary
2 Year experience minimum
1. Really good friends with the computer
2. Good coordination skills and able to work always under pressure
3. Hard working and a team player
4. Creative and with a wide open mind
5. Fluent in English both oral & written
6. Thinks of themselves as outstanding people.
If you’re it, write to us why you should be part of us along with your CV, qualification certificates, references and coolest latest photograph, send to:
Friday, August 30, 2002
1. Heavy machine mechanics (Forklift, cranee, trailer etc) : 4 person
This guy will have to repair and maintain the machines.
2. Legal officer : 1 person
3. Corporate Secretary : 1 Person
4. Corporate Finance : 1 Person
5. Sr. Programmer : 1 person
6. Koordinator foreman : 1 person
7. HR Staff (training & development) : 1 person
Minimal of 1 years experience.
Send resume and fotograph to : agustinus.surjo@temasline.com
or :
PT Tempuran Emas
Jl. Tembang No. 51
Tanjung Priok Jakarta Utara
Attn : HRD Manager
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Our company, an oil and gas company supplier is looking for a Secretary to
our Regional Manager (Expatriate) with the following qualifications:
1. Graduate from reputable secretarial college
2. Mastering in English is a MUST
3. Max. 35 years old
4. At least 3 years relevant work experience
5. Representable appearance
If you meet the requirements, please send your Resume and Recent Photograph
Ade Nurma
PT. Imeco Inter Sarana
Jl. Ampera Raya No. 9-10
Jakarta 12550
Or e-mail to adenurma@imeco.co.id
Not later than 2 weeks from this advertisment.
Monday, August 26, 2002
Assistant Office Manager
The british Government's for International Development (DFID Indonesia)
has a vacancy for an Assistant Office Manager with immediate effect.
The successful candidate will need to be fluent both oral/written in
English and Bahasa Indonesia, computer literate (Word, Excel).
Written applications for the post to include contact details should be
sent to:
Mr. Jim Carpy
Head of Development Section
British Embassy
Jakarta 10310
* Just send your application directly (before 9 September 2002)
Our office, the business consultant specialized in Intellectual Property, is looking for a Secretary with the following qualification:
* D3 - Tarakanita Secretarial Academy
* Mastering in English is a must
* Good computer skill and using of internet
* Working under a team
* Max. 28 years old - single or married
* Immediately join in early or mid September
Please send your application letter & CV to :
Naning Chandra
Office Administrator
Rouse & Co. International
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda VTA
Pondok Indah - Jakarta 12310
Fax : 769 7505
Email : naning@iprights.com
Rouse & Co International
Suite 601, Wisma Pondok Indah, Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda Blok V-TA Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310, Indonesia
Tel. + 62 (0) 21 769 7333 Fax + 62 (0) 21 769 7505
a well established PMA Company in Jakarta providing cosultancy services to foreign investors is seeking a person for the following position:
Receptionist :
- at least 1 year experience
- min D-III in secretary or similar
- Fluent in English
- Good organizational skills
- able to work without supervision
- Good presentation and pleasant manner
- Advanced computer skill (Word, Excel and Internet)
- able to work accurately and efficiently
Job Description:
- Handle incoming calls
- Provide information to assist clients or refer them to appropriate contatcts in the organization
- arrange appointments for callers or people working in the organization and keep records of these
-carry out word-processing, filing and mail-outs
- Handle incoming and outgoing mail.
- ablility to transcribe tape dictation and advantage
- further duties depending on qualification of succeful candidate
send resume to Linda Wijaya at linda.wijaya@deaconslaw.com or fax to (021) 572 2240.
Friday, August 23, 2002
PT. Wetmarket Nusantara is a leading Indonesian Online Computer Reseller in Indonesia which sells over 5,000 items in our website known as www.wetmarket.com. Currently, we focus ourselves to sell computer hardware and software to corporate/companies.
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Strong knowledge in computer hardware
Computer literacy (Windows OS, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)
Strong motivation and sales target oriented
Able to work in a team and under pressure
Please send your resume, photo, and application letter to:
PT. Wetmarket Nusantara
Chase Plaza Tower, 19th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav. 21
Jakarta 12920
Or send via email: hrd@wetmarket.com
Lowongan di Perusahaan IT
A leading IT company in Jakarta seeking candidates to fulfill the following position:
Sales Executive (SE)
- Male or Female age above 30 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience in selling PC (PC branded preferred)
- S1 / D3 Fresh graduated in computer / electronic
- Age below 30 years old
- Having own vehicle
- Self motivated
Business Development Manager
- Male / Female minimum 30 years old
- Able to speak English
- 2-3 years experience in selling server, storage system and networking
Sales for Distribution / Channels
- Male / Female maximum 35 years old
- Minimum 1 year experience in IT industry
- Able to co-ordinate and work with dealers
Should you have the above-mentioned qualifications, please send your application and complete CV to :
Fax No : 021-351 0967
E-Mail : indah@metrindo.co.id
Accounting Staff at KPMG
PT KPMG Siddharta Consulting is one of the largest practices in Indonesia providing services to companies operating in a wide range of sectors. One of our HR service is Executive Search service where we help our clients in recruiting executives, from chairman to middle and junior management.
Accounting Staff
Key Requirements:
n Bachelor degree in Accounting
n Min 2 years of experience in the same field
n Able to speak and write English
n Salary: + 2.5 million rupiah
All applications will be treated in the strictest professional confidence. Please send your current and comprehensive résumé typed in English by facsimile to 021-574-1777 or by email to HRConsulting@siddharta.co.id, within 10 days from the date of this advertisement. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
PT KPMG Siddharta Consulting is one of the largest practices in Indonesia providing services to companies operating in a wide range of sectors. One of our HR service is Executive Search service where we help our clients in recruiting executives, from chairman to middle and junior management.
Accounting Staff
Key Requirements:
n Bachelor degree in Accounting
n Min 2 years of experience in the same field
n Able to speak and write English
n Salary: + 2.5 million rupiah
All applications will be treated in the strictest professional confidence. Please send your current and comprehensive résumé typed in English by facsimile to 021-574-1777 or by email to HRConsulting@siddharta.co.id, within 10 days from the date of this advertisement. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Thursday, August 22, 2002
Dicari ilustrator-ilustrator.
syaratnya gampang!
ilustrasinya 'cantik' alias 'girlie'
bersedia mengirimkan contoh ilustrasinya ke seventeen
anaknya bekerja tepat waktu, cepat dan bersedia dikejar deadline
ber-Pancasila (hehe...........norak!)
oke, itu saja. ditunggu cepat! for further information, just call me
Regina (Seventeen Magazine) 5266666 ext 216/217
syaratnya gampang!
ilustrasinya 'cantik' alias 'girlie'
bersedia mengirimkan contoh ilustrasinya ke seventeen
anaknya bekerja tepat waktu, cepat dan bersedia dikejar deadline
ber-Pancasila (hehe...........norak!)
oke, itu saja. ditunggu cepat! for further information, just call me
Regina (Seventeen Magazine) 5266666 ext 216/217
We are private television network. We challenges you to join our team.
We need team members who are outstanding, highly motivated, innovative,
creative, hardworking and dynamic with integrity and porfessional attitude to fill this following positions:
- Male / Female
- Single, max. 28 years
- Law degree
- Min. 2 years experience in related field
- Expert in Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, trademark,
patent, etc)
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Good command in English
- Willing to work hard
- Experience in TV / Broadcast industry is an advantage
Database Programmer
* S1 IT / Computer Science
* Male / Female
* Single, max. 27 years
* Expert in Oracle, DFD, Client Server, Report Engine, Visual Basic,
Power Builder,
Active Server Page, Proxy Server, Exchange Serve, DNS Server and
creating applications programs
* Min. 2 years experience
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >- WEB Programmer
* S! IT / Computer Science
* Male / Female
* Single, max. 27 years
* Expert in Internet and Intranet Programming, HTML, ASP,
Javascript, _VBScript, Cold Fusion, SQL Server,
Macromedia, Adobe, and creating applications programs
* Min. 2 years experience
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >- Help Desk
* S1 IT / Computer Science
* Single, max. 27 years
* Experience in troubleshooting (software and hardware) and
* Knowlege in Database Programming
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >Send your resume (not more than 3 pages) to: recruitment@tv7.co.id
We are private television network. We challenges you to join our team.
We need team members who are outstanding, highly motivated, innovative,
creative, hardworking and dynamic with integrity and porfessional attitude to fill this following positions:
- Male / Female
- Single, max. 28 years
- Law degree
- Min. 2 years experience in related field
- Expert in Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, trademark,
patent, etc)
- Good analytical and communication skills
- Good command in English
- Willing to work hard
- Experience in TV / Broadcast industry is an advantage
Database Programmer
* S1 IT / Computer Science
* Male / Female
* Single, max. 27 years
* Expert in Oracle, DFD, Client Server, Report Engine, Visual Basic,
Power Builder,
Active Server Page, Proxy Server, Exchange Serve, DNS Server and
creating applications programs
* Min. 2 years experience
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >- WEB Programmer
* S! IT / Computer Science
* Male / Female
* Single, max. 27 years
* Expert in Internet and Intranet Programming, HTML, ASP,
Javascript, _VBScript, Cold Fusion, SQL Server,
Macromedia, Adobe, and creating applications programs
* Min. 2 years experience
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >- Help Desk
* S1 IT / Computer Science
* Single, max. 27 years
* Experience in troubleshooting (software and hardware) and
* Knowlege in Database Programming
* Good command in English
* Willing to work as a team
* Willing to work in shift
> >Send your resume (not more than 3 pages) to: recruitment@tv7.co.id
Career in IT Education Institution
An International I T Education Institution is seeking for qualified,
self-motivated, fast learner, hard working and result oriented individual
who have at least S1 degree from a reputable university in related
subjects, to fill-in the following positions :
The candidate must possess minimum 1 year working experience in selling
computer related products and services with good track record and wide
contact, S1 degree majoring in Computer/Economics, driving license
(SIM-A) and maximum 25 years old. Have an outgoing personality, good
communication skill, able to interface with different level of people.
Minimum of 2 years working experiences in IT Industry/Services, having a
good experiences in Microsoft Back-Office, Lotus Notes environment,
Linux, Java Script, Server Administrator & Security, Certification (e.g.
MCSE, MCSD, MCT, CLI, CLP) will be an advantage, S1 degree and min. 2.75
The candidate must possess minimum 1 year working experience in related
job with good communication skills, and fluent English. Female, single,
have an outgoing personality, friendly, good looking and maximum 25
years old.
If you are the qualified professionals, please submit your, application
letter, comprehensive resume along with relevant document, transcript, copy
of ID and recent photograph within two weeks to :
ExecuTrain of Jakarta
Setiabudi 2 Building, Suite 102
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 62
Jakarta 12920
E-mail : hrd@executrain.co.id
Note : - Please indicate the position applied for on the left-hand side of
the envelope
- Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
An International I T Education Institution is seeking for qualified,
self-motivated, fast learner, hard working and result oriented individual
who have at least S1 degree from a reputable university in related
subjects, to fill-in the following positions :
The candidate must possess minimum 1 year working experience in selling
computer related products and services with good track record and wide
contact, S1 degree majoring in Computer/Economics, driving license
(SIM-A) and maximum 25 years old. Have an outgoing personality, good
communication skill, able to interface with different level of people.
Minimum of 2 years working experiences in IT Industry/Services, having a
good experiences in Microsoft Back-Office, Lotus Notes environment,
Linux, Java Script, Server Administrator & Security, Certification (e.g.
MCSE, MCSD, MCT, CLI, CLP) will be an advantage, S1 degree and min. 2.75
The candidate must possess minimum 1 year working experience in related
job with good communication skills, and fluent English. Female, single,
have an outgoing personality, friendly, good looking and maximum 25
years old.
If you are the qualified professionals, please submit your, application
letter, comprehensive resume along with relevant document, transcript, copy
of ID and recent photograph within two weeks to :
ExecuTrain of Jakarta
Setiabudi 2 Building, Suite 102
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 62
Jakarta 12920
E-mail : hrd@executrain.co.id
Note : - Please indicate the position applied for on the left-hand side of
the envelope
- Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
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